Wednesday, July 11, 2007

BREDS of India

No, not the East Bay restaurant serving chapati, puri and naan. BREDS is a non- governmental organization (NGO) based in Srikakulam District, in the southeastern state of Andhra Pradesh, India. The name stands for Bapuji Rural Enlightenment and Development Society. Bapuji is a nickname for Ghandi (Bapu means father, and –ji is a term of respect).

Ghandi’s vision was for national independence which was achieved August 15, 1947 – I’m looking forward to Independence Day celebrations! But Ghandi also promoted his vision of self-sufficiency for individuals and communities, and in that area much work remains to be done. In the spirit of Ghandi, BREDS works to empower the poorest and most vulnerable people in India. These are people from the ‘untouchable’ caste (Dalits) and the tribal people (Adivasi).

Tribal people have been living for thousands of years in the more remote areas of India – in the hilltops mostly, and densely wooded regions. They speak tribal languages and have unique religious beliefs, although they have integrated many Hindu gods into their nature pantheon. They have unique cultural customs and dress, and in the past have not had significant conflict with Hindu villagers. In the past 50 years though, there has been increasing competition for resources – land, government support, etc. – and the Adivasis face dispossession from ancestral lands, exploitation, and lack of skills for survival in modern, commercial society.

BREDS staff members are usually from the communities themselves, and their work focuses on building the capacity of the communities, developing their internal resources and ‘human capital’. This can be through the development of livelihood projects like improved agricultural practices and marketing for tribal products. Another area of focus is support for angan wari centers where all children up to age 6 can get basic education, a meal, growth monitoring, nutritional supplementation and immunizations, no matter how small or remote their village.

The Dalits and Adivasis suffer from a very high rate of infectious disease and malnutrition. The infant and maternal mortality rates are particularly high, and that area will be my focus. The plan is for me to join the BREDS staff for 6 months, spend time learning what they do, and hold trainings for the staff on relevant health issue to increase their capacity to serve as change agents, motivators and community health workers. Likely there will be some direct clinical work as well.

Hopefully I’ll have interesting stories and pictures to post soon!

1 comment:

heebejeebe said...

audra ji
wow... gives new meaning to ants in your pants
I forget how long you are going to be there but it seems like u got alot of the crazy stuff over with
it rained here last night and early am... thats a lil crazy for here
glad u have a friend ...I bet that makes a big big difference take care drew (heebejeebe)